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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Total Blog Posts n Comments widget

Statistic Blog Widget

:hi:Widget yg satu ini untuk menampilkan Statistic Blog Sobat Blogger,,
berdasarkan Total Posting yg Sobat buat dan Total Komentar yg masuk ke blog Sobat,,
langsung aja gmna cara nya,,
silahkan Sobat copas kode di bawah ini,,:astig:
kemudian letakkan di Page Element HTML/Javascript,,

Klik Preview >>
<script style="text/javascript">
function showpostcount(json) { document.write(parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10)); }
<script src="/feeds/posts/summary?max-results=0&alt=json-in-script&callback=showpostcount"></script> articles have been written<br/><script src="/feeds/comments/summary?max-results=0&alt=json-in-script&callback=showpostcount"></script> comments entry

maka tampilan nya akan seperti ini >>

Total Blog Posts and Comments

articles have been written
comments entry

Sobat jg bisa langsung memasangnya di Blog Sobat,,
klik aja yg satu ini,,

atau jika Sobat ingin menambahkan script yg lain,,
seperti tampilan yg ini >>

Check PageRank

Total Blog Posts and Comments

articles have been written
comments entry
Traffic Visitor

HTML Hit Counter

Since February, 13th 2009

users online
Widget edited by Genx4Shared

Tinggal Sobat sesuaikan aja statistic seperti apa yg ingin Sobat tampilkan,,

oke,, Let's Try it Now,,

Friday, April 24, 2009

Tips to Show n Hide Page Elements

How to Show Page Elements only on the Home Page
maksud nye,,
Cara Menampilkan Elemen Halaman hanya pada Halaman Depan,,
:hi: Tips yg satu nie ai dapet dr Blog nye Andie ,, d efek blog mahir,,
yah keuntungan nye sich,, buat sobat blogger yg suka pasang macem2 widget d blog nye,, biar ga berat n ga bikin penuh halaman depan nye,,
(kaya blog ai jg nich contoh nye,,) hehe,, :astig:
dg kata lain,, element tersebut hanya akan tampil di halaman depan aje,,
ketika Sobat buka halaman selain halaman depan,, maka element tersebut tidak akan muncul,
otomatis akan disembunyikan pada halaman lainnya.

cara nye mudah aje ko,,
<< Klik Preview >>

Pilih salah satu elemen yang hanya ingin Anda tampilkan di halaman depan blog, misalkan pilih element HTML/Javascript kemudian buka Template->Edit Html dan jangan lupa tandai kotak kecil di samping tulisan Expand Template Widget. kemudian cari tulisan atau kode elemen HTML99. setelah ketemu tambahkan dan letakan dua baris kode pada posisi seperti tulisan yang diberi warna.


<b:widget id="HTML99" locked="false" title="" type="HTML">
<b:includable id="main">
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
<b:if cond="data:title != """>
</b:if></b:if></b:includable></b:widget><h2 class="title"><data:title></data:title></h2>

<div class="widget-content">

<b:include name="quickedit">



Ingat, hanya tambahkan saja kedua kode itu.

oke,, satu lg nich,,
yg ini justru sebalik nye,,
How to Hide Page Elements only on the Home page
maksud nye,,
Cara Menyembunyikan Element Halaman pada Halaman Depan,,
dg kata lain lg,, Element halaman tersebut akan disembunyikan pada halaman depan,,
dan otomatis akan tampil pada halaman selanjutnya selain halaman depan,,,

caranye jg mudah ko,,
<< Klik Preview >>
Pilih salah satu elemen yang hanya tampil di halaman depan blog, misalkan pilih element HTML/Javascript kemudian buka Template->Edit Html dan jangan lupa tandai kotak kecil di samping tulisan Expand Template Widget. kemudian cari tulisan atau kode elemen HTML88. Setelah ketemu tambahkan dan letakan dua baris kode pada posisi seperti tulisan yang diberi warna.

Contoh :

<b:widget id="HTML88" locked="false" title="" type="HTML">
<b:includable id="main">
<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'>

<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
<b:if cond="data:title != """>
</b:if></b:if></b:includable></b:widget><h2 class="title"><data:title></data:title></h2>

<div class="widget-content">

<b:include name="quickedit">


Ingat, hanya tambahkan saja kedua kode itu.

Oke,, just the simple like that,,!! :puppyeyes:

Let's try it now,,
:wave:Keep Spirit n Happy Blogging,,^_^:wave:

Saturday, April 18, 2009

AWARD4Shared - "The Spirit AWARD" for Bloggers

"The Spirit AWARD"
:hi: Wah,, udah lama juga nech ga bkin postingan yang seru,, saking banyak nye kegiatan di luar,, :sigh:(maklum deh,,mumpung masih muda.. pengen lebih exist di dunia luar,, bukan cuma dunia maya aje,, hehe,, ^_^),,
sekalinye sempet,, langsung teringat sm AWARDs n PeeR dr sobat2 blogger,,
maap bgt nech sob,, agak lama bales nye,, AWARDs n PeeR nye ai jadiin satu aje ye di sini,, biar ga terlalu mubadjier nanti nye,, ^_^ hehe,,
(ngmg2 ko ai jd ikut2an logat betawi gini sech,,?)

ya udeh,, langsung aje deh ye,, ai mo bagi2 AWARD nech sob,, yg ai kasih judul "AWARD4Shared" - The Spirit AWARD,, nah,, knape ai kasih judul spt ntu? (ya karena biar Sobat Blogger inget slalu ama Genx4Shared,, ehehe,,) y ga gitu jg lah,, yg jelas, alesan nye adalah "Untuk Meningkatkan Semangat Berkreasi" sbg seorang Blogger,, tu aje,,

y mudah2an aje bs jadi suatu Inspirasi n Semangat buat Sobat2 Blogger semua,,
jangan cuma bikin atau bagi2 AWARD n kasih PeeR gitu2 aje,,
Awal nye sich ai jg sama,, seneng banget begitu dapet AWARD pertama kali,, dari Sobat Zetro,, trus ga berapa lama kemudian muncul AWARD2 laen yg ga kalah seru,,
salah satu nye dari Blognye M.A,, Sobat yg satu ni yg menjadi Inspirasi n Semangat buat ai,, dalam bergelut di dunia Blogging,, (caelah,,dah ky apa an aje ye,,hehe,,)

oke,, kita kembali ke LapTop,, eh salah,,
balik lagi ke "The Spirit AWARD" td,,
:siga:AWARD yg satu ni,, :inlove:ai khusus kan buat Sobat2 Blogger semua,,
terutama yg udah mau ikut di "Followers" GFC (GoogleFriendConnector), Genx4Shared ini,,
juga buat yg suka kasih komentar dg senang hati di Genx4Shared ini,,
dan ga kalah seru buat yg cuma mampir di Shoutbox,,
dan satu lagi buat yg dg senang hati pula untuk exchange link n banner di kolom yg telah Genx4Shared sediakan,,

"The Spirit AWARD" ini Gratis ko,, bisa Sobat ambil n pasang di blog masing2,,
Tapi,,(ada tapi nye nich,,),
ai cuma pesen aje ko,, (tenang,, bukan Syarat n jg bukan PeeR ko),,
Pesen nye tuh,,-->
buat Sobat semua yg bersedia dengan senang hati menerima "The Spirit AWARD" ini, jangan lupa untuk merekomendasikan kepada Sobat2 Anda semua,, untuk turut berbagi Semangat "The Spirit AWARD" ini agar lebih semangat lagi dalam berkreasi,,

:puppyeyes:nah,, nie die "The Spirit AWARD" yg bisa Sobat bawa pulang ke Kandang Blogger nye masing2,, hehehe,, langsung di pasang ye,,

<a href="><img src=""/></a>

<a href="><img src=""/></a>

nah yg ga kalah seru nye lagi,,
Semua AWARD d bawah ini juga bisa Sobat dapatkan dengan cuma-cuma,, silahkan di Ambil,,
buat Sobat2 yg udah kasih AWARD nye untuk Genx4Shared ini, mohon maap y di jadiin satu postingan aje,, abis bingung terlalu banyak AWARD yg mesti di sebar,, tp klo jadi satu gini kan enak,, semua bisa kebagian,, ya kan?? Peace Sob,,^_^

Triple AWARD from Sobat gdPermana >> (Klik aje)


AWARD Untukku dan Untukmu from Sobat M.A >> (Klik aje)


Unbelievable Award from Sobat Edwin >> (Klik aje)


I Luph ur Blog AWARD from Juragan Abhan >> (Klik aje)


Award Gratisan from Sobat Ardhi33 >> (Klik aje)


nah nie die satu lage yg kaga kalah ketinggalan seru nye,,:siga:
PeeR dari Sobat M.A,, (Sory Sob,, baru sempet di kerjain skrg,,)
oke langsung aje ye,,

Berikut isi Peer nye :

- choose a singer/band/group

- put the picture of the singer/band/group
- Answer using OnLY TITLES or Songs by that singer/band/group
- Tag 10 of yours friends according the Album that singer/band/group

1. My favourite...forever and Linkin Park
2. Nie gambarnye : :inlove:
3. Nie yg agak bikin pusing :

- Male or female : Linkin Park ... so paste male semua cuy,,
- Discribe your self : "In The End" ... wah, ai suka banget ama ni lagu ?
- What people feel when they're around you : Rock Modern ... of course,,
- How would you describe your previous relationship : Static and Romantic
- What your life like ? : Just wanna share everithing what i've done ...
- What would you ask for if you had only one wish ? I'll be luv'n u 4FR .. buat
someone tercinta..
- Say something wise ... Keep Spirit n Smile for all

:okay:akhirnya kelar juga nie PeeR,,
nah selanjutnye yg terakhir, nie PeeR mau ai bagi2 juga buat 10 Sobat Blogger lainnye,, yaitu :

  1. Sobat Regar "Ringgo Agus Rahman" -->
  2. Sobat David -->
  3. Sobat Zetro -->
  4. Sobat gdPermana -->
  5. Sobat Leon -->
  6. Sobat Nagapasha -->
  7. Sobat Abhan -->
  8. Sobat Edwin -->
  9. Sobat Bejo -->
  10. Sobat Ahmad -->
:siga:Yupz,, akhir nye selesai juga bikin AWARD n PeeR nye,,
:okay:silahkan di ambil n dikerjain ye,,,


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tweak Internet Speed on your Windows XP

Tweak Internet Speed Bandwith
Tweak internet speed bandwith limit win xpYour internet speed is slow, want to tweak internet speed on your Windows XP operating system. By default, the Packet Scheduler of Windows XP Pro limits the system to 20 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default. That packet is QoS ( Quality of service) for Windows XP. This packet may not be often used, so Why don’t we change the setting to tweak internet speed.

Determines the percentage of connection bandwidth that the system can reserve. This value limits the combined bandwidth reservations of all programs running on the system. If you enable the setting, you can use the “Bandwidth limit” box to adjust the amount of bandwidth the system can reserve. If you disable this setting or do not configure it, the system uses the default value of 20 percent of the connection.

But If a bandwidth limit is set for a particular network adapter in the registry, this setting is ignored when configuring that network adapter.

Here step by step to TUNE UP your bandwith limit in Windows XP > Group policy :

1. Go to “RUN” and type : gpedit.msc

2. Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler

3. Double Click > “Limit Reservable Bandwith”

4. Limit Reservable Bandwith > Enabled , Bandwith limit 20% change to > 0%

5. click OK, and Restart your connection.

Maximize your Browsing speed with Mozilla Firefox

( 2x Faster than Internet Explorer ! )

Download Latest Updated Mozilla Firefox 3.0.8

Mozilla Released Firefox 3.0.8

Download FirefoxMozilla Firefox is a great freeware browser for browsing internet. This browser is faster, more secure and fully customizable to your online life. Firefox uses the open-source Gecko layout engine, which implements some current Web standards plus a few features which are intended to anticipate likely additions to the standards.

Firefox includes tabbed browsing, a spell checker, incremental find, live bookmarking, a download manager, and an integrated search system that uses the user’s desired search engine. Functions can be added through around 2,000 add-ons created by third party developers; the most popular include Fasterfox (to tweak internet speed faster), flashgot (for download managers), and others…

Why Mozilla Firefox?

+ Freeware, has frequently free updates to make your browsing experience smoother.
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+ Features, you’ll enjoy a Better Web Experience, Firefox delivers helpful new features to make your online experience more productive.
+ And more …

LATEST UPDATE: Mozilla Firefox 3.0.8 !

Firefox is two to three times faster than its predecessor and offers more than 15,000 improvements, including the revolutionary smart location bar, malware protection, and extensive under the hood work to improve the speed and performance of the browser.

Firefox browser gets new security update. Firefox 3.0.8 fixes two critical security issues found in Firefox 3.0.7. The impact key of ‘critical’ issues: Vulnerability can be used to run attacker code and install software, requiring no user interaction beyond normal browsing. Fortunately, the two security issues has been fixed:

+ MFSA 2009-13 Arbitrary code execution through XUL element
+ MFSA 2009-12 XSL Transformation vulnerability

If you already have Firefox 3, you will receive an automated update notification. This update can also be applied manually by selecting “Check for Updates…” from the Help menu.

Firefox 3 Top New Features

+ Password Manager. Remember site passwords without ever seeing a pop-up.
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+ Improved Performance. View Web pages faster, using less of your computer’s memory.
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+ Full Zoom. See any part of a Web page, up close and readable, in seconds.
+ Platform-Native Look & Feel. Browse with a Firefox that’s integrated into your computer’s operating system.

Firefox vs Chrome?

For a fast browser with full of great add-ons and plugins, Firefox is great, but In case you don’t care about add-ons, plugins, extensions, you just need a simple web browsing, 2X faster and responsive, then Google Chrome is for you! I’m currently using both, because of the ‘very-useful’ Google Toolbar which is not available for the beta version of Chrome yet.

Firefox3 system Requirements:
- Mozilla provides Firefox 3 for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X in a variety of languages.
- Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista
- Mac OS X 10.4 and later
- Linux

>>> It’s 100% FREE! Download Latest Stable Release Firefox.

HeadLine News


New Blogger Template - Smells Like Facebook

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In Memoriam 50th of Michael Jackson (Jacko)

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Slider ala Zinmag Primus Template

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Try TO Costumize Facebook Layout

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Total Blog Posts & Comments Widget

Widget yg satu ini untuk menampilkan Statistic Blog Sobat Blogger,, berdasarkan Total Posting yg Sobat buat dan Total Komentar yg masuk ke blog Sobat,, langsung aja gmna cara nya,, silahkan Sobat copas kode di bawah ini,[...]

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